Pausing to consider is a strategic activity

Pausing to consider
is a strategic activity


Clarity emerges….

Attention is the key…
thoughts on branding and strategic communications for associations and not-for-profit organizations

  • Sometimes there is a problem…a fear or a doubt… (0)
    Deadlocked Or Not?

    Deadlocked Or Not?

    …something the left-front thinking brain keeps turning over in hopes of making sense of “it.” This happens to all of us sometimes. And each of us has his or her own way of settling our brains.

    It’s harder when this holding on tight happens in groups. As each individual struggles to make personal sense of the challenge at hand what emerges is group-stuck—a co-created collective negative force field. When, however, a group gathers, willing to hold both the challenge and the possibility of solution, they may find that an excursion into the right parietal lobe leads them back to a point of strategic action refreshed and re-energized.

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  • Attention is the key to connection… (3)

    Behind every word is a story if we are willing to attend. Helen Luke is on to something. Attention is the key to connection. And attention is NOT the one-way responsibility of the perceiver. No, it is incumbent on the person putting the word on the page to attend—to purpose, to tone and to “other.” This is true whether you’re talking about your mission, writing a letter to your lover or crafting a poem to be set adrift in a corked bottle.

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  • Sometimes hope just sneaks up behind and taps you on the shoulder (3)

    Your Turn. What’s taken you by surprise?

    Nate reminded me of this on October 22. “Holy Armageddon” Now there’s a thought.

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